How is garritan personal orchestra 5 compared
How is garritan personal orchestra 5 compared

  1. #How is garritan personal orchestra 5 compared skin
  2. #How is garritan personal orchestra 5 compared pro

Just so you are aware, I wasn't trying to recommend any specific products, and with a disclaimer that I do not own GPO 5 (but have considered it).īut since you mentioned that you are just beginning your quest by adding 3rd party VST instruments to your Studio One environment, plus the additional challenge of using VST instruments with multi-timbral and multi-out audio capability, that greatly increases the initial learning curve above that of adding simple VST instruments to Studio One. Perhaps, per your recommendation, I will investigate the free version of SampleTank 3 CS, with the free 30 instrument factory library. Your suggestion to d/load available demos of these potential sample libraries is a good one - however, neither Miro, nor GPO5, nor UVI Orch. ST3 and Miro have 16 instrument slots/MIDI channels and a mixer page that offers up to 16 pairs of audio outs that you can configure in the S1 mixer. But ST3 CS would be a good way for you to judge compatibility of the software workflow, and work through the setup of a multi-out instrument plug-in in Studio One,

#How is garritan personal orchestra 5 compared skin

Miroslav Philharmonik 2 uses the SampleTank 3 engine, but with a different skin and sample set. I don't see any trials on the IKM website, but they do offer a free version of SampleTank 3 CS, with a free 30 instrument factory library. So in general, I have not had any issues with using VST instruments in Studio One Pro. I don't have Garritan, but I do have SampleTanK 3 and Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE. So I doubt you will run into any serious technical issues trying to use anything you mentioned with Studio One, but rather documentation/workflow things may become showstoppers for you personally. That is the only way to know for certain what will meet your expectations, without making expensive decisions based on opinions from other users.

#How is garritan personal orchestra 5 compared pro

Since you would be new to using VST instruments to Studio One, I would recommend getting the VST add-on, or upgrading to Pro first, then download every trial version available of every plugin you are interested in.

How is garritan personal orchestra 5 compared